Gain insights and create opportunities for your business with personalised foreign exchange solutions

130+ Currencies

Get FX Rates through FX ONLINE

Local Currency Accounts

Available to all active clients

Trade Finance

Access trade line up to $5M AUD

FX Risk Management

Manage your FX risk

International payments

Currency accounts

risk management

Dedicated FX Specialist 

  • 100% account managed relationships
  • Personalised FX trading support & advice
  • We take time to learn and understand your business, ensuring outstanding performance every time you deal in cross border payments
  • Our FX specialists will work together with you to understand your FX needs and develop a tailored strategy for your business – helping you stay ahead of the impact of currency volatility on your business

Ready to talk to an FX specialist about your FX needs?

Private FX

Foreign Exchange Solutions for high net worth individuals


Foreign Exchange Solutions for businesses

Trade Finance

Access additional working capital and extend payment terms


Coming soon

FX Services

Market-leading Exchange Rates

We have access to many global liquidity providers to ensure we can pass on the most competitive pricing to our clients, allowing us to provide you with market-leading exchange rates for your international payments, including minor and exotic currencies.

Create Cash flow Certainty

Secure your FX rates now and use them anytime in the next three years.

FX Online- 130+ Currencies, easy to use

Check and compare FX rates, make international payments or track your transfers online or via an Ipad or on your smartphone.

Trade Finance

Working Capital

Access trade line from $ 100,000 - $5M AUD to pay overseas and domestic suppliers.

Funding Period

Access up to 150 days from the date the invoice is paid, minimum term of 30 days.

Cost & Pricing

No contract so you can choose the invoices you want to pay. Only charged for the line amount used, and no fees for not utilising the line.

Flexibility & Control

Totally unsecured. No title over goods, no property security. Manage your trade finance online through FX ONLINE from start to finish.


FX INSIDER online provides a simple and secure method of sending international payments to approved beneficiaries as well as managing Foreign exchange risk for your business.


Access live competitive FX rates when paying international suppliers.
Make and receive payments in major and minor currencies.
Same day B2B payments in all major currencies.

Control & Security

Dual verification allows you to set in-house approval levels and determine the role that your users play in setting up beneficiary payees, creating, amending, or approving payments and executing FX trades.


In-depth and flexible reporting services, processing, reconciliation, and transaction history.
Batch payments- Add multiple beneficiaries through a file upload.
No setup fees or monthly account fees.

How FX Online Works

Interested in having a Foreign Exchange Facility for your business?

1. Register here online

Register online for a free FX Online Account or via phone. Input some general information about your company and submit it online in under 7-10 minutes and we will review it and send you an email about some requirements.

2. get a dealing rate

Once approved, you can access FX ONLINE and get a dealing rate. FX ONLINE portal allows you to buy and sell currency and make the transfer online anywhere 24/7.

3. Send your funds

Enter your supplier details in our portal and use either Bpay or an Electronic Bank Transfer to complete your international payment.

4. track your funds

Track your payments online once you have booked an FX deal you will receive a deal confirmation. You will also receive another when the funds are paid to your beneficiary. You can track all these via FX ONLINE.